
[#Let's Start-up] Wellysis, Wearable ECG Solution... Analyzed by AI

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    S-patch Cardio


From left to right: Kim Jongwoo, CSO of Wellysis; Kim Hongryul, CTO; Juhn Yeong Hyeop, CEO; Kim Jungsoo, CFO  

When two circular devices the size of a 500 won coin are attached to the chest, the electrocardiogram (ECG) situation, which is the activity current generated in the myocardium according to the heartbeat, appears in real-time on a smartphone. Soon, the ECG is analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI) through the cloud and delivered to a diagnostic web portal where hospital doctors can view it. Wellysis (represented by Juhn Yeong-hyeop) is a wearable healthcare startup founded by former Samsung SDS employees. Juhn Yeong-hyeop, CEO of Wellysis, stated, "S-patch Cardio is an analysis solution for ECG monitoring based on the cloud," adding, "We aim to increase the convenience for patients, operational efficiency for hospitals, and efficiency in ECG analysis for doctors." 


Young Juhn, CEO of Wellysis

The device developed by Wellysis is extremely lightweight. While typical products weigh around 25g, S-patch Cardio is around 8g. Kim Jong-woo, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), said, "Previous products had to attach a separate device called a gateway for ECG measurement," and added, "Wellysis has solved this patient inconvenience." In April of this year, S-patch Cardio obtained CE certification in Europe, proving its technological prowess. 

Its applications are diverse. One of the main uses is for diagnosing arrhythmias, which can occur without symptoms. It also enables real-time health monitoring for professions at risk, such as police officers, firefighters, and pilots, as well as tailored services for vulnerable elderly populations prone to cardiovascular diseases.

Medical professionals can quickly interpret the data. ECG information is stored in the cloud and analyzed by AI algorithms. Automatic analysis reports are provided to medical personnel to enable rapid interpretation. Kim Hongryul, Chief Technology Officer (CTO), said, "Although portable, it can be read cleanly without signal noise."

Wellysis has partnered with 14 hospitals in countries including Korea, Australia, the UK, Spain, New Zealand, India, and Singapore. Last year, it formed a partnership with Apollo Hospitals, which operates over 40 heart disease centers across India. India was chosen due to its relatively conducive environment for remote consultations and its high incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Kim Jung-soo, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), said, "In the future, we aim to adopt a subscription model so that not only hospitals but also the general public can easily access our services."

Juhn Yeong-hyeop, CEO; Kim Jong-woo, CSO; Kim Hongryul, CTO; and Kim Jung-soo, CFO, all co-founded Wellysis and are former Samsung SDS employees. Juhn, who graduated from Drexel University in the United States, has over 20 years of experience in healthcare, including working at Johnson & Johnson. Juhn stated, "Our goal is to grow into a top global company in the post-COVID era with advanced medical devices based on the highest-level domestic bio-processors and AI-powered medical solutions."


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