Enhanced analytical capabilities through data learning
Commercially used for cardiac monitoring and arrhythmia detection.
Offers faster time to interpretation and diagnosis with higher accuracy.
Employs deep neural network technology based on a large database of continuous ECG with with diverse patient demographics and conditions.
Countries Used
Covering Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania continents.
Scope of data
is boundless
Healthcare Providers
Tertiary Hospitals, Primary Care & Screening Centers
Data acquisition
never stops
Hours of ECG Tests
500K hours for screening & 100K hours of labelled Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Key is in analyzing
Labelled Heartbeats
100M abnormal heartbeats, of which 30M are AF heart beats
ECG Lakehouse streamlines the overall analysis pipeline by automating the ingestion and selection of curated, labelled ECG data.
ECG Lakehouse streamlines the overall analysis pipeline by automating the ingestion and selection of curated, labelled ECG data.
Commercial Data
Public Data
Lab / Clinical Trial
Performance Monitoring
Query Optimizer
Migration Engine
Statistical Analysis
Data Visualization
Model Validation
Extending ECG analysis to multi vital-signs and prevention, S-Patch AI aims to provide a holistic personal health analytics.
Increased accuracy with high quality training data
ECG statistics, metrics and histograms
Use HRV metrics to determine trending stress level
Automatically log posture info along with ECG
Continuously record RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Automatically detect and alert on syncope and falls
Currently under development and
scheduled to be released Q4, 2024
Predicting or detecting early signs of arrhythmia
Enable temperature, body fat, respiratory rate, etc.
Detect sleep quality and estimate sleep apnea risks